Divorce Differently. Divorce with Love

Learn how you can put the health and well-being of you and everyone you love at the forefront of your divorce. Learn how to go through a divorce on YOUR terms, without having to be in the family law court litigation system for years and destroying your children, your finances, and your life.
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About This Product:

Have you found yourself knowing you are disconnected from your spouse and want to get a divorce, or your spouse wants to get a divorce, but you are terrified that it will take years to complete, negatively impact your children, cost you tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars, and cause you great stress and discomfort?

Do you want to learn the language and ways of being that will enable you to divorce in a mindful, respectful and loving way where the health and well-being of YOU and everyone you love is at the forefront?

Are you interested in learning how you and your spouse were the ONLY people who could have taught one another the specific lessons and learnings necessary to make you grow and become stronger?

What if you are meant to go through the darkness of the divorce cocoon right now to become stronger and more aligned with who you are and what you want in life?

What is you are being guided towards the expression of your highest and greatest version of self, and your divorce is just ONE part of your journey... a powerful, necessary part?

This Master Class will not only help you answer those questions, but will also teach you the legal process of divorce so you do not get destroyed in the family law court litigation system, draining you of your money, time, health and well-being, and negatively impacting your children.

You CAN go through your divorce in a streamlined manner with confidence and focused on empowerment and love.

Do not waste one more day of your precious life living in a loveless marriage because you are afraid of what divorce will do to you and your family.

Do not spend ONE additional day feeling scared, overwhelmed, stressed, or angry about your divorce. 

This Master Course will teach you:

  • The Legal process of divorce,
  • The Legal documents necessary to get a divorce,
  • The Legal topics that are part of your final legal documents entered wtih the court,
  • The options available to you when deciding what venue to get your divorce,
  • The tips, tools and resources you can implement to help you navigate through the emotional process of your divorce, and 
  • The new language and ways of being that will enable you to emerge from your divorce stronger and more aligned with who you are and what you want.

Also included is an exclusive 76 page "Divorce Workbook," guiding you through the legal and emotional processes of divorce and organizing your thoughts.

Take your voice back from an attorney, and take your power to make the decisions regarding your children and marital property division back from a random stranger Judge. You and your partner are the ABSOLUTE BEST AUTHORITIES to make these decisions, and this Master Class will show you HOW!

Just because millions of people have allowed a stranger to make these important decisions for them does NOT mean you have to as well!

Learn how YOU can make these decisions and be empowered during your divorce journey, and save yourself money and time and put the health and well-being of your children and family at the center of decision making for the future.

Here are just some... of MANY... SECRETS Attorney Jen Mitchell is sharing with YOU in this class:

Secret #1: The destructive divorce story does NOT need to be your experience and story. Learn how in this course.

Secret #2: You are always a family, just a different family than you were before. Learn how you can empower your children through the choices you make in your divorce.

Secret #3: Your divorce does NOT need to take you years to complete and cost you tens of thousands of dollars (or more), nor must it destroy the health and well-being of yourself and your children. Learn the steps necessary to divorce with confidence, mindfulness, respect, and love... yes, LOVE.

Secret #4: The social consciousness makes you think that you MUST go to hire a bulldog attorney and fight in court to get a divorce, otherwise it is not real. Learn how this is completely untrue.

Secret #5: The conflict within Family Law court system is breading disempowerment and victimhood by giving people’s power to speak away to the attorneys and their power to decide issues involving their children and the marital property they worked so hard for away to a random stranger Judge. The family law court system is fundamentally broken. We can do better, we MUST do better, and learn how YOU can do better in this Master Class.

Secret #6: Learn how to get yourself OUT of the fear, stress and overwhelming states when thinking about divorce, and shift into a space where you use the darkness and emotionally difficult divorce process of divorce as a catalyst to learn as much as you can about yourself, heal and and emerge stronger than you entered.

Jen Mitchell has been a Family Law attorney since 2006 and has successfully guided over 500 couples through the Solace divorce journey, which enables couples to exit their marriage the same way they entered… with mindfulness, respect and love… yes, LOVE.

Jen’s mission is to empower people to live authentically and live their dream life passionately and non-apologetically...

 Are YOU ready to live your life on YOUR terms? If so, this course is for YOU!

Disclaimer: Use of this Master Class does not in any manner constitute an attorney-client relationship between Jen Mitchell and/or Solace Divorce Mediation, Inc. and the user. While the information in this Master Class is about legal information, it is not intended as legal advice or as a substitute for the particularized advice of your own legal counsel.

Program Details

How Did We Get Here?
Available Now

Jen Mitchell's Commitment To You
Available Now
Are you ready to put yourself first?
Available Now

Belief Systems and How They Impact Your Divorce
Available Now

Available Now
You are Thinking About Divorce
Available Now
Your Spouse is Thinking About Divorce
Available Now
You Have Started Your Divorce Journey
Available Now
Still Reeling After Your Divorce Journey
Available Now
Recap and Truth for all Four Types of People
Available Now

Governing Guidance for the Legal Process of Divorce
Available Now
The Legal Requirements for Divorce
Available Now

Available Now
Using Litigation to get Your Divorce
Available Now
Using Mediation to get Your Divorce
Available Now
Using Collaborative Divorce to get Your Divorce
Available Now
Do it Yourself (DIY) to get Your Divorce
Available Now

Litigation vs Mediation: What You Need to Know
Available Now
What is Mediation? (And what it is not!)
Available Now
How Mediation Works
Available Now
Key Principles of Mediation
Available Now
Authenticity: Key to the Mediation Kingdom
Available Now
How to Make Your Mediation Efficient, Effective and Powerful
Available Now
Finalizing Your Divorce After Mediation
Available Now

The Mission of Solace
Available Now
The Four Pillars of Solace
Available Now
Philosophy of the Solace Journey
Available Now
Anatomy of the Solace Journey
Available Now
Divorce with Children
Available Now
Powerful Conversations with Children
Available Now
The Importance of a Shared Narrative
Available Now

Step One: Reframe How You Look at Your Divorce
Available Now
Step Two: Gratitude - I am grateful for EVERYTHING!
Available Now
Step Three: Letting Go - A Form Of Self-Love
Available Now
Step Four: Accountability - You are the Creator of your Life
Available Now
Step Five: Consequences - for every action, there is a reaction
Available Now
Step Six: The Power Of Forgiveness - Forgiveness = Self-Love
Available Now
Step Seven: Manifest - Thoughts Become Things
Available Now

The Importance of Spreading Love and Shining Your Light Bright
Available Now

What Do People Think About This Program?


Jennifer Kruk
Jan 14, 2024
As someone going through a divorce this class would be useful both in the early stages before I knew the legal process and what's possible, and later on when I am trying to live and build a future without a foundation. I learned the process by paying for legal consults instead of having questions ready to dive deeper. Learning the process brought up a lot of emotion and the context of this course helped me to understand, reframe and ride those those waves not in a lawyers office. The course is well organized and the only reference I've found that directly names the loss and new space and possibility that divorce opens up with compassion and high vibration language. I believe it's necessary to grieve, feel the pain, and also to reframe and flow and I felt supported having an aligned resource (even if it did provoke necessary emotion in me). Give that mediation and a higher degree of collaboration may not be an option for me, I found the course helpful and still have questions.
Tina Shrader
Jan 08, 2024
As a couple & family therapist I am often guiding clients through the divorce journey, an impossibly difficult time for a family. Jen is a wonderful teacher, she makes all the legal points easy to understand- I could listen to her all day! I especially loved how she walked through EXACTLY how to tell people (and what to say!) about the decision to divorce, with authenticity and mutual respect. Jen is proving that divorce, when done right, can be a highly therapeutic and corrective experience! She is shattering the myth that divorce must be traumatic for all involved and centers her work around the TRUTH: that divorce can be executed with the same love & intention as the wedding.
Cathy Kestler
Jan 15, 2024
I’ve been divorced nearly 20 years. I wish I’d had Jen’s program to guide me and my husband. We started in mediation with the best intentions but got separate attorneys when communication broke down. We were missing the key ingredient - the fundamental understanding that we could create our journey. Early on, we committed to protecting our son from the pain and shame that we were experiencing, and today, we’re friends, but it’s taken years to find the gratitude and rebuild our family. We're still working on it! Without these tools, it’s easy to fall back on that dangerous narrative that kids are more resilient than we give them credit for. They deserve so much more than that. And so do we. This was an emotional experience and so incredibly rewarding. Thank you, Jen. You and your approach is a game-changer.
Mark Worster
Jan 14, 2024
WOW! I wished I had done this course prior to my divorce in 2010. It would have completely changed the interaction with my ex-wife in beautiful, powerful ways and would have decreased the negative effects on my then 14yr old son. I recommend this course for anyone who is even thinking of divorce and for those who have completed but don't have the relationship with their ex that they wished was possible. Amazing!!!!
Amanda S. Norris, M.A.
Jan 16, 2024
As a behavioral health therapist, I have worked with numerous youth, adults, and families who have experienced the stress, financial strain, and heartache a divorce can inflict. The practical information Jen shares in this course (detailing the step by step legal process of getting a divorce) is a clear roadmap for anyone who needs guidance. Jen's professional and intuitive knowledge that by challenging the societal messages that divorce is a negative experience, and teaching us it can be a positive one rooted in LOVE, is empowering AND feels achievable. What puts this course in a class of its own is Jen's capacity to show us that divorce can be a vehicle for finding one's authentic truth, fostering a positive self-expression, and learning to trust the flow of the road of life. Jen teaches, "Divorce is happening exactly as it should, exactly when it should, and it is happening for you." The Solace Way of Divorce with Love through Mediation is an enlightened approach to this event.
Nancy Knudsen
Jan 17, 2024
I found this master class very inspiring and thought the legalities of the divorce process were clearly defined and her comparison of the litigation process versus the mediation process made it clear which is the wiser choice. Since Jen herself has been through the divorce experience she fully understands what couples go through emotionally. She has lots of good advice on how to make the process a lot less difficult. Having gone through a very stressful divorce myself using the litigation system I can totally relate to the fear and stress it puts you though. If my ex and I had chosen the mediation process instead we could have saved a lot of pain and much of the $100,000+ in legal fees. I am currently going through the end of a 8 year romantic relationship which is very similar to a divorce. This master class is helping me look at this in a more positive way. Instead of looking at it as a failed relationship I am looking at it as a chance for growth and leading a more fulfilling life.
Sennen Knauer
Jan 29, 2024
This course is the ultimate opportunity to break free from a devastating and victimizing situation and to creating and living the life you want. This course and the practices taught and offered in it, support adults and ultimately the children of people who divorce. Imagine how the world will be once more people take advantage of this opportunity! I highly recommend this course for every person at any stage of divorce - even if divorce is in your past. It will remind you of the opportunity that you have and give you tools and resources to reconnect with yourself and life more fully, more joyfully, with greater intention and love. I will be sharing this with everyone I know! Thank you, Jen, for your wisdom and love.
Claire Frieling
Apr 30, 2024
This program is very helpful, to gain an understanding about using mediation (and all the other divorce options out there) even if you are just considering a divorce. If you are still not sure what the future holds being educated in your options is empowering, taking away some of the fear of such a big change. Jen explains everything throughly from all angles, she is a fabulous teacher and is very easy to understand and follow. Jen makes all the legal info clear and less daunting. I love Jen's Holistic and loving approach, putting the children's happiness at the forefront, whilst aiming for a harmonious relationship between the spouses. She also reminds us to make sure that we are practicing self love and self care too. I have friends who have used Solace and certainly would go this route myself if it came to that. I highly recommend this course and grateful for the knowledge. Thanks Jen!
Jen Mitchell

Jen Mitchell has been a licensed Illinois Attorney since 2006, Family Law Mediator, Holistic Life Coach, Speaker, Author, and Creator and CEO of Solace Divorce Mediation.
See Full Biography >
Jen Mitchell has been a licensed Attorney since 2006. She went through her own divorce journey in 2019, and now lives in Boulder, CO, in a house with her ex-husband/co-parent, 3 children, and 2 cats. Jen has successfully guided over 500 couples through the Solace divorce journey and is co-author of "Stress Free Divorce Volume 3." She has been interviewed on podcasts focused on Divorce, Separation, Conscious uncoupling, and creating strong co-parenting relationships. Jen is a featured mediator and board member of "" and was in Chicago Parenting Magazine, "The Happier Divorce: Parents are Embracing Conscious Uncoupling." 

The first 9 years of Jen's career were spent in the courtroom as a litigation attorney, where Jen served as a zealous advocate to her client's best interests, and her client's best interests solely. After having 3 children in 39 months, and while working on a very destructive and contentious litigation case involving a child, Jen had an epiphany, whereby she realized that her participation as a litigation attorney in a broken Family Law court system was destroying other people's children, families, people, with a ripple effect of destruction and awfulness to the World. She felt it in all 4 bodily selves... her mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual.

It was at that time, in 2014, when Jen had an inspired thought... "there has to be a better way to do this," and the following 9 years of obsession and hard work, Jen created the NEW way for couples to travel through the divorce journey. Jen is the Owner & Creator of Solace Divorce Mediation, and the Divorce with Love" Master Class shares the journey she guides her divorce couples through to help them get out of the darkness and heaviness of the divorce cocoon goo and into the light!

Jen presents a high vibrational approach to the divorce process, shifting from a mindset of destruction to one of empowerment and growth. Given the proper guidance and tools, divorce can be one of the most extraordinary opportunities you will be gifted to learn more about yourself, heal from past traumas & experiences that are blocking you, and grow into your fullest expression of self to live the life you were always meant to live!

Jen has a diligent practice of mindfulness, self-care and self-love, and vibrates at a very high frequency. She is committed to sharing the energy of the New Earth and helping people feel good so they can reach their full potential!
See Short Biography >

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Disclosure: The information provided in this course does not constitute legal advice; instead, all information and materials shared in this course are for general informational purposes only. "Individual’s experience may not represent the typical participant. Your background, education, experience, and work ethic may differ. This is used as an example and not a guarantee of success. Your results may vary.